The Mentalist Season 5 2012 | Download | TV Series | TV Episode | TV Show

Download The Mentalist Season 5 | 2012 TV Series Update

Download The Mentalist Season 5 TV Series 2012 | The Mentalist Season 5 will premiere on September, 2012. It will pick up after the cliffhanger of The Crimson Hat, with the episode, The Crimson Ticket. The main focus of this season is discovering the identity of Red John and figuring out what connection Lorelei Martins has to him.

Download The Mentalist Season 5 TV Show 2012 | The Mentalist Season 5 tells the story of Patrick Jane, an independent consultant with the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI), who has a remarkable track record for solving serious crimes by using his razor sharp skills of observation. He also makes frequent use of his mentalist abilities to lead witnesses or offenders into offering the actual facts of the case, as known only to them.

Download The Mentalist Season 5 (2012) | TV Series | TV Episode | TV Show | Collection Update


Download The Mentalist Season 5 | 2012 TV Series Update
The Mentalist Season 5 2012 | Download | TV Series | TV Episode | TV Show

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  1. Replies
    1. Boleh tahan jugak citer The Mentalist ni. Aku pun baru follow season 4. The Mentalist season 5 baru je start

  2. terima kasih banyak sbb upload series ni..mmg awesome!!! i truly recommend this to everyone..ive been following this series since the 1st season..oh yeah nk tgh nk download srt english subs fr the vids ni..bleh sy tau x what kind of the video type that u upload here?? because the srt file has a specific type for each video...terima kasih for all your hard work!!! -

    1. format mp4. tp jarang yang tanya pasal ni..
      Ada satu software yang boleh autodownload sub.
      Cuba ke untuk info lanjut

  3. citer ni mmg pun br je follow season 5 ni...t'ingin nk tgk sr season 1, dh cari tp xdpt...bole x raimi syazwan tlg uploadkn cte ni dr season 1? pliz....


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Regard & Much more respect ~ Raimi Syazwan Abdul Rashid

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