What is the meaning of Mohd?

There's a chain letter going around...so I did some research into it. Seems like another email to make us gullible. Alarm bells went off when I read the 'Don't write Mecca because it means house of wines.."? Umm..it's an Arabic word...therefore it doesn't matter if we spell it Makkah or Mecca in English its a transliteration. And I've never seen people write 'Mohd' for the name Muhammad.

Say always Masjid
Because: Islamic organization has found that
mosque = mosquitoes

Don't write Mecca; Write always correctly Makkah
Because: Mecca = house of wines

Don't write Mohd, Write always completely as Muhammad
Because: Mohd = the dog with big mouth.

والله أعلمُ بالـصـواب
Wallahu’alam bissawab 
dan Allah lebih mengetahui yang sebenar-benarnya
and Allah knows the right

Artikel ditulis oleh RaimiSyazwan

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1 comment:

  1. http://thecounselingbuddies.blogspot.com/2010/09/mosque-mosquito-mecca-whisky-house-mohd.html


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